Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yipee she's arrived!

We were greeted this morning to a very spotty child, and realised that the real reason why Torden was so out of it yesterday was that he in fact had chicken-pox. It is all over his body, and worse in the neck, back and his face. We try to make him feel better by comparing him to our spotty dog, Fin. Now he thinks that is the biggest joke! Now he has to stay out of school until Monday, which spoils the fact that I was going to show Kim around town, but nonetheless, we shall take Spotty along.

After our long wait at the airport, Kim, finally came out of the airport building with Eric, who takes " care" of all the finalities. ( Bribes etc.) Kim looked flustered and tired, she gets motion sickness, so the ride home was awful for her. There was so much traffic, it took us much longer than it normally would. But Kinshasa has a lovely "welcoming" effect on one! Hope she will stay her full 2 weeks.......

After a long Skype session to my folks back home, she has retired to bed, and will hopefully be refreshed in the morning.

I was living in the future for so long, it is about time that I am finally shoved back to living in the "Now"!

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