Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dedicate to you Mr B.

Yes you know who you are? I decided to write on my blog today, and only because you asked me to. I kinda like the fact that my blog has become popular. Not that it's great reading material, but I suppose it's because I tell it like it is. I would love more comments? I've now even added a revenue counter, which encourages me even more to write. At first, I thought only friends and family would read it. Now I realise that more than just a few people view it everyday. I also enjoy reading other blogs, like the one I found yesterday, where a young girl sells all her second hand clothing on her website. And the one where 3 ladies come together almost everyday, and bake and share their recipes. I also have a friend who is now living in Dubai since January. It's great to see how her expat life differs from mine.

My inspiration for the day must be to share that I tune in to everynight, where I listen to an interview she has with Eckhart Tolle about his new book "A New Earth". There is great joy to be found in nature, and we can be inspired in our own back garden by a leaf, or a flower etc. Just by looking at it as if for the first time, to not have to know the name of the flower, just to see it for what it is. I feel that when I watch my son, who is sitting right next to me at this moment, being creative. He is punching holes into paper for the first time, and I'm happy because it is keeping him busy, but he is experiencing sheer concentration by every punched hole.

So Mr B. you are leaving Kin soon, and yes that is a good thing for you. We are going to miss you, our South African counterpart and neighbour. We hope that life takes you on a good journey! May you be inspired to read from the other side!

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