Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Special Visitor

My anticipation is eating me up, only 1 more sleep before my sister arrives. Although I saw her in March on my last trip to Cape Town, it will definitely be different. Especially how she will find out how we live, and how different life is up here. A few people have asked what we are going to do with her, as they themselves find it boring, and long to go elsewhere for a holiday! I do agree to some extent, but for someone who wants to get away from it all, relax, laze around the pool, take nature walks, and to just simply be in a different environment, away from the rat race, this is the answer! I do have an itinerary for her, and I will be the tourist guide, seeing that it was my previous profession. This time, however, it won't be as easy as Cape Town is so naturally scenic. The nightlife is pretty good we will visit Ibiza Bar, Standing, and some good restaurants. I will keep you updated intended for anyone who may be interested on an insert called " PLACES TO GO AND THINGS TO DO IN KINSHASA"

1 comment:

Ronita Glanville said...

Enjoy your time with Kim! Love reading your blog! I didn't even know you had one but I am sure to visit often! Us ex-pats have to stick together!