Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I must say, we've had really full weekends over the last 2 weeks. Been out on the river, been invited to house parties, and we have another one coming up on Saturday. I enjoy giving parties, just as much as receiving an invite. On Saturday afternoon, we went to a party of a friend of mine from Paraguay. It was a very special one! Her son, Agust, turned 5. I found it amazing that the Mom put so much emphasis on providing the children with entertainment, that she herself, dressed up as a clown and joined in on the fun! Now that reminds me of Torden's 1st birthday party, which was a clown theme. I also had a wig on, and painted my face, but there was a problem in that Torden was petrified of clowns for the next two years. He was even a bit sceptical of the clown at this particular party.
Now it's my turn to prepare for Torden's party on Thursday.
I also had the most amazing boost for writing on my blog, a blogger friend, who had been reading my blog from Canada, made contact with me. She is now living in Kinshasa, and when we spoke on the telephone, it felt as if we'd known each other for years. I feel so inspired now, that I will remain loyal, and try to write almost everyday. It has also inspired me to write more about the DRC. So here's to more blogging.


Dee Gemme said...

Hi there - I am so glad you started this blog - My mom is the lady you met from Canada. When i found it i sent it to her as she was so nervous about coming back to Africa. Thanks for the support and encouragment you gave her. I know she misses us lots here - but having great people like you around makes time fly.
Take care of yourself.

Congopit said...

Hi Dee, I never have enough time to look at all my commnets. Can you believe I'm saying this in Kinshasa of all places! I was with your Mom today, and she is a lovely positive person. Thank-you for your inspiration for making me carry on writing. I know our paths were meant to cross......
Chat soon x