Thursday, September 25, 2008

"When you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

I've taken yet another morning procrastinating ( putting off things). I was supposed to be planning Torden's 4th birthday for next week, but I washed the dog, I helped Aimee with the washing, I daydreamed, I had coffee, I checked my emails, called a friend, and it's now 10:30am and I only have 2 hours until he ( the thief of time) comes home from school. I need to get out his invitations, so I better make this blog short. Sorry!

I have only one more thing to say and that is: " Some people do things and take things at the expense of other people's hard work". My next of kin, is very smart, and he enjoys what he does for a living, but I take it personally, when I see him being used. It saddens me to think there are people in this world that use friendship as a means to get what they want from people. The good thing is, you learn from experiences, and I can be assured that this will not happen more than once.

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