Monday, January 21, 2008

Parle vouz French?

Although a lot of people I know want to learn French, I have never been that interested. I do enjoy languages, and speak only English and Afrikaans. (can understand Dutch, and Flemish) I now have realised that I have this need to speak French, it sounds like a beautiful language and if you listen close enough, you will find many of the words look similar to English, but are pronounced entirely different. My only tutor at the moment is our driver, who also has this need to speak English, so we converse every morning with a greeting of Bonjour, cava? Cava bien. And that's about it, the odd words do come in handy, like the names of food products at the supermarket. There is a French/English dictionary in the car, and a language CD, but it doesn't help when you have to converse on a daily basis with Congolese French speaking people. So I have now found out about a French school, and will do my utmost to hold a conversation in French once I leave this place. That will be one of my consolations for living here!!

1 comment:

Salty said...

Bonjour mon ami - ca va? Je suis tres fatigue aujourd'hui, mais c'est Mercredi - nearly weekend!...gosh the French is bad/rusty! Nice blog site doll - will defn keep in touch! If you can let me have those dtls of your pals in NZ and I'll mail them for some advice etc - that will be greatly appreciated. Wee Torden playing tennis - that's awesome! Chat soon doll, take care in the jungle. Bisous bisous xxx